Graduation Portal

Graduation Ceremony Information

Date: Monday, June 2, 2025

Time: 9am - 11am (arrive anytime in that window)

Location: Glendale Civic Center - 5750 W Glenn Dr, Glendale, AZ 85301

Format: Walk-through (See video and FAQs below for more info!)

Guests: All guests should arrive at the same time. If you are waiting for anyone, you can wait in front of the building.

Cap & Gown Information

How much does the cap and gown cost?

The graduation package costs about $32.95.

This includes the color-coordinated cap, gown, and tassel for your school AS WELL AS downloads of professional photos from graduation.

This is required to be paid prior to participation in graduation.

See below for ordering info.

How can I make a payment?

HOPE HIGH SCHOOL (IN-PERSON): Pay in cash or card in the school office.

HOPE HIGH SCHOOL ONLINE: Order your cap and gown directly through the ordering portal which is available now. 

What should I wear to graduation?

Graduates should come already dressed in their Cap and Gown. Check out the video below on how to wear it.

Here are a few things to remember and consider:

Stoles/Garlands/Flowers: Some students may wish to wear a custom stole, garland, or flowers over their gown. If anything is decorated, please just keep it school appropriate.

Can I decorate my cap?

Absolutely! Grads are welcome to decorate their cap as they wish so long as content is school appropriate.

How do I wear my cap & gown?

How do I order cap & gown? (Hope High In-Person)

HOPE HIGH SCHOOL (IN-PERSON): Do not place any order online. Advisors will measure students, we will order the cap and gown for you. You can pay for the cap and gown in the school office prior to pickup.

How do I order cap & gown? (Hope High Online)

HOPE HIGH ONLINE: Cap & Gown can be ordered through our school ordering portal. Link will be posted here and sent to all grads. HHS In-Person students should NOT use this link.

Click here for the Hope High Online ordering portal

WARNING: HHS In-Person Grads DO NOT use this link. See BLUE instructions.

Graduation Deadlines!

Please speak with your academic coach or advisor about your specific school's requirements.

All requirements must be completed by:


Frequently Asked Questions


When is Graduation?

The Graduation ceremony is scheduled for Monday, June 2 2025 from 9 to 11am.

What will Graduation look like this year?

We'll be having a "walk-through" graduation at the Glendale Civic Center.

Graduates will be able to have any number of guests who will get a front row seat when they walk across the stage!

Graduates will need to wait until all guests are present before entering. They will check in at the check in table, proceed to a photo op, then proceed through the main hall to walk across the stage, receive their diploma, and shake hands with their principal. Guests will be with the graduate until just before they walk across the stage and will have "front row" visibility to take as many photos as you wish. Afterwards, guests will meet up with their graduate in the terrace garden for additional photo opportunities and visiting.

How many guests can I bring?

We are allowing an unlimited number of guests for graduation, however, all guests must be present before the graduate can enter the event. Graduates can wait in the parking lot or just outside the building to wait for their guests.

Is there parking available?

Yes! There is plenty of free parking available in lots and a structure nearby the Civic Center.

Can I bring balloons?

No, our venue does not allow balloons inside. Feel free to leave these in your vehicle or outside the venue.

Can I bring/use confetti poppers?

No, our venue does not allow confetti or confetti poppers inside or around the venue due to the difficult cleanup. We recommend saving these for home photo shoots and celebrations.

Can I bring snacks or drinks in while we wait?

No, the venue does not allow any outside food or drinks to be brought in. There are water fountains available in the hallways of the venue.

Feel free to leave snacks and drinks in your vehicle.


When will I get my diploma?

HOPE HIGH SCHOOL (IN-PERSON): Mr. B normally has your diploma ready about two weeks after your official graduation date. Please call the school directly at 623-772-8013 if you have not yet received it.

HOPE HIGH SCHOOL ONLINE: Your academic coach normally has your diploma ready about two weeks after your official graduation date. Please call your coach directly by calling the school at 602-674-5555 to check.

Where can I find pictures from Graduation?

Right here on the Graduation Portal! Photos will be available about two weeks after graduation day. After August 2025, the photos may be moved under the "Previous Years" tab.

Mrs. Jessica Barrios- 602-674-5555 x4832

Mrs. Caitlin Savage- 602-674-5555 x4878 

Ms. Phoebe Thompson - 602-675-5555 X4819 

Mr. Partida- 602-772-8013 X 4875

Mr. Garcia- 602-772-8013 X 4864